Friday, August 10, 2007

Section and Auxiliary Views

Section views reveal hidden features

ANSI standard section lines for various materials

Section view types
- Full sections: pass the cutting plane through the object
- Half sections: pass the cutting plane halfway through the object
- Broken-out sections: create a breaking off part to reveal interior features
- Revolved sections: pass a cutting plane through the object,
then revolve the cross section 90 degrees. (picture below)

- Removed sections: make a cross section,
then move it to an area adjacent to the view (picture below)

- Offset sections: bend the cutting plane at 90-degree angles
to pass through important features (picture below)

- Assembly sections: are typically orthographic, pictorial,
full or half section views of parts as assembled

- Standard parts, such as fastener or shafts, are not section lined.
- Adjacent parts are section lined at different angles

An auxiliary view is an orthographic view that is projected onto plane other than one of the siz principal views.
Picture below shows how to construct a depth auxiliary view to determine the true size and shape of the inclined surface.

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